From the beginning of the chiropractic profession, chiropractors have been checking and adjusting animals.
We envision a world in which Animal Chiropractic stands as a separate and distinct philosophy, art, and science, practiced by both trained chiropractors and veterinarians, for the improved quality of life, health, and vitality of the animals they serve.
We recognize that, unlike traditional human chiropractic, the world of animal chiropractic is made up of both chiropractors and veterinarians. We insist that anyone from either profession who practices animal chiropractic be properly trained in the philosophy, art, science, and professional objectives of animal chiropractic.
Animal chiropractic is vitalistic in its approach and adheres to a salutogenic model that focuses on what makes the organism healthy rather than on what makes them sick. While it may be practiced by a properly trained and certified veterinarian, it is distinct and not to be considered part of veterinary medicine, or merely a form of manual therapy applied to animals. We believe the practitioner of animal chiropractic does not compete with medicine, but rather completes it.
As with humans, we insist that the practice of chiropractic be limited to the location, analysis, and correction of the vertebral subluxation.
We do not align ourselves with any organization which exchanges our unique terminology for terms such as “veterinary orthopedic manipulation” or “veterinary spinal manipulative therapy.” We do not see these terms as synonymous with the location, analysis, and correction of the chiropractic vertebral subluxation, or congruent with the practice of Animal Chiropractic.
Because Animal Chiropractic is separate and distinct, and not part of veterinary medicine, we stand for direct access for all properly trained and certified Animal Chiropractors to be able to provide animal chiropractic care without the direct supervision or referral from the veterinarian. We also insist that the Animal Chiropractor limit his/her care to the location, analysis, and correction of the chiropractic vertebral subluxation, and not attempt to use chiropractic as a replacement for veterinary medicine. We further recognize that there are times when a referral to a Veterinarian is appropriate and an Animal Chiropractor’s training identifies when such a referral is warranted.
We believe that the practice of Animal Chiropractic has the potential of helping us in our mission to spread the principles and objectives of chiropractic, world-wide. There is no apparent placebo effect when caring for animals. When a vertebral subluxation is corrected, and that animal responds in a favorable manner, it is a direct reflection of the chiropractic principles, objectives, and laws of life. We seek to use the seeming miracles seen in an animal chiropractic practice on a daily basis, to spread our unique message of hope for increased quality of life, health, and vitality to all of humanity, across the Planet.
We welcome veterinarians to explore the philosophy, art and science of chiropractic as it applies to animals and incorporate chiropractic into their practices following adequate training and certification from a recognized program.
Contact Info
47 Louden Road
Saratoga Springs, New York 12866
By appointment only
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