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Position Statement Regarding FCLB Resolution Regarding Radiology (Mar 2021)

May 4, 2021

The IFCO agrees with the below Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation’s (FVSR) proposed amendment to the FCLB’s proposed resolution that reads:

“Now therefore be it – Resolved, that the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards recommends: 1) That the use of radiographic imaging in patient care is at the professional judgement of the attending Doctor of Chiropractic and determined (IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PATIENT) on a case by base basis in an evidence informed approach; and 2) That Chiropractic care policies and guidelines that impose practice standards based on parameters of time before a Doctor of Chiropractic may obtain radiographic imaging potentiates an unnecessary delay which can adversely affect the efficacy and safety of patient care and their health as consumers of chiropractic services.”

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